
Serving the community of Lozandier, Haiti by educating, nourishing, and making disciples


Our Mission

“We exist to positively impact the community of Lozandier, Haiti by facilitating growth of a community of disciples of Jesus Christ, by educating children of the community, both academically and Biblically to enrolled school children, their families, church families, and the community at large. We will accomplish this by providing school, and church; school curricula, books, and uniforms; minimum nutritional requirements for enrolled school children; and support of pastors, and teacher”


Our Impact

Love for Lozandier provides children and their families with a place to gather and worship, medical care, education, school uniforms and meals. We have partnered with ‘Water for Life’ to dig a well for the villagers so water is accessible to them near their homes. By working with ‘Kids Against Hunger,’ we have packaged thousands of meals, which we personally deliver to Lozandier.



Years Serving in haiti


children enrolled in school


Live a life worthy of the calling you have recieved
— Ephesians 4:1